Mission Vision Goals

[image: image1.jpg]HOLINESS (HOLINESS ZCONSORTIUM WHC Publications Arm 1. Name – Aldersgate Press www.AldersgatePress.com /.org 2. Mission Statement – a. To provide a communication channel as an extension of the Wesleyan……publications. The imprint line serves as the communication extension of the WHC. 4. Goals – a. To glorify God in all we do and to always remain sensitive to the… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 5.38)

A Christian Declaration on Marriage

…It is evident in cities across the nation that where churches join in common commitment to restore a priority on marriages, divorces are reduced and communities are positively influenced. Therefore,…common desire that God’s Kingdom be manifested on earth as it is in heaven, we pledge to deepen our commitment to marriage. With three-quarters of marriages performed by clergy, churches… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5.38)

Sep 2020 Update

Dear friend, In all the scramble of adjusting to massive issues, God is opening amazing doors of opportunity. The relational connections represented in the WHC provide a quick and wonderful……organic connection. Dave Thomas, JD Walt and others continue with us in our conversations of common ground and mission. Our prayer events have been effective – some more than others—and (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 5.28)

UPDATE Report – 1-31-13

…annual meeting of College/University Presidents in Washington, DC. Dr. Jim Edwards, President of Anderson University, presented comments to the group focused on the theme, “Telling our story for the sake…and deeply impactful for everyone. Mostly, the impact and commitment to the WH heritage has become more intense in each person. You can find Jim Edwards remarks on the website…. (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 5.14)

Feb 2010 SoCal Release

…became more powerful in impact and compelling in mission. The specific emphases included an emphasis on holiness and… … Unity – Church of God, David Winn … Peace – Brethren……in Christ, Perry Engle … Social Action – Salvation Army, Steve Bradley … Gifts – Foursquare, Kimberly Dirmann … Culture – Free Methodist, Steve Fitch … Heart – Nazarene, Jerry… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 5.02)

Request to Charles Blake

[bookmark: _GoBack][image: C:UsersKMannoiaAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.OutlookU99C1P3LWHC Logo-hi res (002).jpg] Bishop Blake, Thanks for your openness to participation in the life of Azusa Pacific University and your support of the COGIC becoming……holiness movement as well as from the Pentecostal wing. Free Methodist, Foursquare, Nazarene, Salvation Army, Assemblies of God, Wesleyan, and the COGIC Church in growing measure. There are many others…. (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 5.02)


Donate Your support is deeply appreciated! The Wesleyan Holiness Connection is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and tax-deductible receipts are sent for all gifts. Please feel free to make your gift… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

Release – David Han Publisher

…### Connect wit [image: C:UserskmannoiaDesktopMessage Preview_filesjpeg(1)] [image: Facebook][image: Twitter][image: Instagram] [image: C:UserskmannoiaDesktopMessage Preview_files1px.png] Update Profile This message was sent to email@example.com from info.wesleyanhc@gmail.com WHC 2100 E Route 66 Glendora, CA……– – – – – – – – – – [image: iContact – Try it for FREE] [bookmark: _GoBack] ‘iContact ‘TRY IT FOR FREE? b ALDERSGATE PRESS WESLEYAN (@HOLINE A,CONNECTION… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5)

A Kairos Moment and Collaborative Partnerships-Kendall 2-10

A Kairos Moment and Collaborative Partnerships-Kendall 2-10

…bless you and the blessing will look like this dream-come-true. When the culture stalls and the dream shatters, however (when a great recession comes, when terrorism that used to be……culture, and helps us shape a life free of that culture’s illusions and idolatries. When this happens life goes on but in ways fully compatible with the kingdom Jesus declared… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5)

A Kairos Moment for Church and Academy-Kendall 2-10

…you and the blessing will look like this dream-come-true. When the culture stalls and the dream shatters, however (when a great recession comes, when terrorism that used to be over……us shape a life free of that culture’s illusions and idolatries. When this happens life goes on but in ways fully compatible with the kingdom Jesus declared and demonstrated. If… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5)

Emails of Participants

…Eckhardt The Evangelical Church BEckhardt59@yahoo.com Perry Engle Brethren in Christ Pemidpac@aol.com Alton Garrison Assemblies of God [email protected] Jack Hayford Foursquare [email protected] Ken Heer Wesleyan Church [email protected] David Kendall Free Methodist……Denominational Heads Meeting January 13, 2012 List of Participants &C&G [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] BEckhardt59@yahoo.com Pemidpac@aol.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sheet2 Sheet3… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5)

After Minneapolis

After Minneapolis

…privilege. When it is presumed to accrue from the skin color, it anesthetizes people to the apathy and ignorance that will quickly come. God help us. God has lovingly created… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

Aldersgate Press – About

…Van De Walle, Publisher, and Don Thorsen. (See also: Aldersgate Press Leadership Positions & Persons) What’s Our Mission? The mission of Aldersgate Press is to be a communication channel extending… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

You Are Wonderfully Made

You Are Wonderfully Made

…loneliness of your car or workplace they come to you. The voices in your head keep squeezing the life out of you; pushing you down; battering your heart. It’s easy… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

Living in I AM-ness

Living in I AM-ness

…to welcome everyone into the new heaven and earth on the basis of God’s all-consuming and compelling love, I suspect that will not be the case, but ultimately it is… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

8-17 Comment on the Nashville Statement

8-17 Comment on the Nashville Statement

…Christ in daily living in communities across the land. Many who grieve over the effect of its release remain uncompromisingly committed to the centrality of Christ for life and salvation;…Comments on the Nashville Statement There are many in our midst who walk with Christ but who see their faith in highly dogmatic propositions. It seems the role of issuing… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

Diamond In The Rough

Diamond In The Rough

…still. Not because of the fire they exude or the brilliance they reflect, but because of the innate value that comes with being a child of God imprinted with His… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)



Holiness begins at the Cross by A. Serounian Keir, Pastor Walnut Valley Brethren in Christ Church Written for the Wesley-Holiness Project © 2006 A. Serounian Keir he word “pastor” comes……into it, but increasingly they are moving on to victory as they realize the value of living in righteousness and holiness. More and more their repentance is becoming complete, and (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 5)



…about the holiness message, examining it in light of the questions and challenges of today. The church has always been the most prophetic when it has rediscovered the relevance of……to speak of the whole gospel for the whole world? Too often we pull apart things that should be held together. The need for biblical comprehensiveness is especially important when… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 4.55)

Five Calls God-Snyder-Brief

Five Calls God-Snyder-Brief

…about the holiness message, examining it in light of the questions and challenges of today. The church has always been the most prophetic when it has rediscovered the relevance of……biblically, to speak of the whole gospel for the whole world? Too often we pull apart things that should be held together. The need for biblical comprehensiveness is especially important… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 4.55)

Five Calls God-Snyder-Brief

Five Calls God-Snyder-Brief

…about the holiness message, examining it in light of the questions and challenges of today. The church has always been the most prophetic when it has rediscovered the relevance of……biblically, to speak of the whole gospel for the whole world? Too often we pull apart things that should be held together. The need for biblical comprehensiveness is especially important… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 4.55)



…about the holiness message, examining it in light of the questions and challenges of today. The church has always been the most prophetic when it has rediscovered the relevance of……to speak of the whole gospel for the whole world? Too often we pull apart things that should be held together. The need for biblical comprehensiveness is especially important when… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 4.55)



…about the holiness message, examining it in light of the questions and challenges of today. The church has always been the most prophetic when it has rediscovered the relevance of……to speak of the whole gospel for the whole world? Too often we pull apart things that should be held together. The need for biblical comprehensiveness is especially important when… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 4.55)

March 30 Release

…to the pastors concerning the Catholic Church’s understanding of holiness and its motivating influence in compassionate ministries in community. Many pastors commented that some of their preconceptions regarding the Catholic……holiness often has been communicated with terms and paradigms that are not understood today. What terms and paradigms could you use to communicate the holiness message in a compelling way?… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 4.38)

Historical Timeline 1-12

…February 8, 2007 – “The Holiness Manifesto” document released (see www.HolinessAndUnity.org) · March 28, 2007 – “Fresh Eyes on Holiness” document released (see website) · September 18, 2007 – First……Steering Committee, San Dimas (ongoing with annual meetings in November) · 2008 – 2009 – SoCal and Indiana Regional Networks meet quarterly and conduct HPDs in each area. · Spring… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 4.38)