7-18 Immigration A High Calling

…own comfort. May our commitment to law not turn to abuse. May our hearts never turn to stone but always remain soft as a reflection of God’s acceptance and love……immigration policies the U.S., we ask that elected and appointed officials seek first to honor the human dignity in every person through kindness, welcome, and commitment to the family principles… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

8-17 After Charlottesville

…heinous acts cause in the lives of untold numbers of family, friends, and communities. These violent behaviors cannot be allowed to desensitize us to the high calling of God to……love and grace. May our voice be one of truth and one that both confronts offense and offers the hopeful vision of God’s love and holiness. Kevin Mannoia Chair www.HolinessAndUnity.org… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

April 10 Release

…help pastors remember their mission in declaring a message of holiness – transformed living – in their various communities. Although for many years the Holiness message has become synonymous with……heavy restrictions, these pastors and denominations are committed to declaring the message as they believe God intended it to be – a magnetic and healing message of wholeness and transformation… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

Feb 2010 SoCal Release

…became more powerful in impact and compelling in mission. The specific emphases included an emphasis on holiness and… … Unity – Church of God, David Winn … Peace – Brethren……the day and to begin planning for next year as this has become a defining experience both for the pastors as well as for the Overseers whose own commitment to… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

March 07Release

…Study Project represent a renewed interest in the common heritage these denominations have in the Holiness tradition. It also embodies a commitment to building the future mission of the church……their efforts on the message of holiness as a relevant mission for their communities. The Holiness Pastors’ Days in Indianapolis and in Southern California, as well as the Wesleyan Holiness… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

May 11 – 2012 Women in Ministry – Release

…a recommendation from the Board of Directors, the Steering Committee voted unanimously to adjust the WHC bylaws to include in its composition those who are also serving as Board members…commitment to holiness in the church today as well as a significant and public declaration affirming women in ministry. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE: www.HolinessAndUnity.org HOLINESS (HOLINESS ZCONSORTIUM ALDERSGATE A PRESS… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)



…on an organizational alliance but upon our common message and interest in holiness which flows from our common heritage. It seeks to be: ● a visible presence which serves as……hearing the use of the word ‘connection’ among the leaders. It was intended to communicate the strong relational nature of the gatherings and avoid the more businessoriented term ‘consortium.’ Realizing… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

Sept 15 06 Release

…a coordinated and unified effort among them surrounding their common heritage and commitment to the Holiness message. The outcome of the gathering was the creation of the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium….…of the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium takes the effort to a new level of cooperation. In its formative meeting the leaders committed to plan and conduct three efforts in the coming… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

Sept 20, 07 Release

common heritage and commitment to the message of Holiness. Eric Simpson, of Eagle Church north of Indianapolis along with Kevin Mannoia, of Azusa Pacific University were the primary resource persons……Consortium to facilitate ongoing events and collaboration around the a renewed interest and emphasis on holiness. For more information, visit www.holinessandunity.org or contact Kevin Mannoia, Chair Wesleyan Holiness Consortium [email protected] (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

November 2010

…am so happy to report on recent events in the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium. I think it will encourage your heart. 1. On November 12 the Steering Committee met in Toronto……are a few items addressed: a. Incorporation in California is complete; b. 501 (c)3 application has been submitted to the IRS; c. Bylaws reviewed and changes suggested for final approval… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

September 2010

…will be held in one month in SP at the Salvation Army Headquarters. They have embraced the www.HolinessAndUnity.org website and populated it with Portuguese documents. I will plan to return……They are highly motivated around the unifying message of holiness! 2. Today we just completed the 4th Holiness Pastors’ Day in Indianapolis coordinated by the Regional Network of leaders there…. (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

Jan 2011

…2. Brazil Networks – On February 5 I completed a one week visit to Brazil where 3 new Regional Networks have begun – Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo. Since……also been part of this new initiative. You can see pictures on the Brazil section of the websites at www.HolinessAndUnity.org. 3. WHC Publications – With the intense and hard work… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

November 7, 2011

[image: ] November 7, 2011 What a joy to write you in the wake of our annual Steering Committee meeting held just last Friday. We met at the Central Territorial……Headquarters of the Salvation Army. Thank you to Commissioners Paul and Carol Seilor. God continues to amaze me with stories and expansion of the influence of the WHC in calling… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report – 8-3-13

…the interest among so many leaders in embracing the wholeness of God’s holiness in thinking and living. As well, I thank God for the fresh commitment to holiness of heart……I am truly excited about the energy and commitment to create this new Affinity Group within the WHC. One that is so close to the heart of holiness in each… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

November 7, 2014 update – numbered format – draft

…work on four specific ideas we identified. 4. Steering Committee – November 7 the Steering Committee met at the Nazarene Headquarters. We talked about the challenges of such strong expansion……(Naz), held a Holiness Pastors’ Day on the campus of Malone University. The energy and engagement was beyond expectation. The comments of those attending indicated that, “it doesn’t get any… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 2-1-14

…weeks Capin & Crouse will complete an audit of the WHC which I plan to send you upon completion. 3. Thank you on behalf of our united mission for the……and human trafficking. A hearty thanks to the FMC and the Bishops for their generosity in sharing this with us all! Your churches may register at: http://www.holinessandunity.org/index.php/affinity-groups/freedom-network 1. Seattle Pastors’… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 7-18-14

…is the cover of Catch Your Breath – Exhaling Death and Inhaling Life. Soon you will be receiving under separate cover a complimentary copy as I usually do with any……we would do in making holiness more of a priority in the 21st Century. Thank you for your engagement, encouragement, and participation together! Blessings, Kevin [bookmark: _GoBack]www.HolinessAndUnity.org HOLINESS (HOLINESS ZCONSORTIUM… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 11-14-14

…leaders on the Steering Committee of the WHC engaged at a new level. Our Regional Networks Coordinator, Dr. Jess Middendorf intently focused the entire group on “regional networks that feed……of APU. Adding to the priority of the WHC on women in ministry through the WH Women Clergy Conference, I was so proud of the Steering Committee as the whole… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 5-19-14

…District offices. 2. Kenya National Network – I am just coming from a meeting of 41 top denominational leaders in Kenya including African Gospel Church (WGM), Methodist, Foursquare, Nazarene, Wesleyan,……A Holiness Pastors’ Day within the coming year in Nairobi, and ii. A meeting of Presidents and Academic Officers of our schools in Kenya. What a privilege it was to… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

Letter to Charles Blake

…holiness in shaping our communities in coming decades. I appreciate so much Elder Oscar’s presence in the LA Regional Network. Perhaps through him or any other person you designate we……the WHC has grown to 7 Regional Networks comprised of Regional Leaders; 4 Affinity Groups (Presidents, Chief Academic Officers, Trafficking & Slavery, Women in Ministry); and a Publishing arm. The… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 1-30-15

…advance for your commitment, support and contribution! Please call me if I may be of any help to you at any time. Blessings, Kevin Mannoia Chair www.HolinessAndUnity.org HOLINESS (HOLINESS ZCONSORTIUM……to do within our means and a small surplus. As soon as we have the completed review from Capin & Crouse, I will send you a copy showing details. Thank… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 5-5-15

…broadly through communiques with your people. http://freedomsummit15.com/ 3. On April 23 the Oregon Holiness Pastors’ Day at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in Salem was a very positive event as……encouraging, I wish I could sit with you personally and tell you in detail. Short of that: 1. THANK YOU for the contributions that have come in already for 2015…. (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 11-10-15

…year; · 20% of our representatives at today’s table were people of color; · 40% were women; · Identity in this stream compels activity in our engagement; · Compelling new…[image: WHC_Logo] November 10, 2015 [bookmark: _GoBack]Please forgive the longer-than-usual gap in my emails to you. Frankly, the intensity of activities has been breath-taking. Friday, the WHC Steering Committee met… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 1-28-16

[bookmark: _GoBack][image: WHC_Logo] January 28, 2016 What a thrill to write you today. The WHC continues to have growing impact representing our unity together in a common stream of the……your college/university presidents who lead in very complex and challenging times while still seeking to remain intensely loyal and supportive of the churches. 3. NEW NETWORKS: A number of new… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)

UPDATE Report 5-25-16

…Board and Steering Committee concurred and recently acted to change the name from Consortium, to Connection! We are still the WHC, but now utilizing a name that is relevant both……the change incorporated more completely. 2. [bookmark: _GoBack]WOMEN IN MINISTRY – As you know, the WHC including the WHWC, provides a voice in support of women in ministry at every… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 1.38)