About Us

About Us Who participates? What is WHC? The Wesleyan Holiness Connection is a relational network of churches, schools, and organizations committed to bringing God’s holiness into full and transforming engagement……with today’s culture. Rarely has there been a more dynamic time for God’s holiness to make a difference in our communities and world. The participating WHC denominations and institutions share… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 25)

Healthy Tension

Healthy Tension

…of release and tension. In committing to becoming like Jesus, we place ourselves squarely in the middle of a tension that will exist for as long as we live. On……and people they once associated most closely with. This is the natural tendency to become like God in God’s holy otherness. At the same time, we feel compelled to engage… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 25)

All In!

All In!

Sweating and grimacing we lunge with complete abandon for the goal! How often we find ourselves straining, giving all of our effort, focus, and passion to the compelling vision that……purpose?  As we are the recipients of the complete passionate commitment of God, our lives may best be invested in a disposition of being “all in” for the Kingdom –… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 25)

Let’s All Be Monks!

Let’s All Be Monks!

…Spirit-filled ones who know the peace of Christ within. They are the comforted ones who can and will pass on the comfort and hope to others. Let’s all be monks!…By Barry L. Callen The word “monk” comes from the Greek monachos meaning single or solitary. With this definition in mind, we naturally think of a monk as an isolated… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 25)

Graceful Engagement Instead of Resistance

Graceful Engagement Instead of Resistance

…some dimension of the issue and there really is a common desire for people and human culture. Some people see the issue through the lens of safety in their community,……and the extremes become pretty radical; protests and harsh words create tension. With a bit of reflection and humility, however, we may come to understand how each is passionate about… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 25)



…arts-based coeducational Christian academy, not a theological seminary. In the 1890s the school community was unusually cosmopolitan and international. Chesbrough was linked in multiple ways to the growing foreign missions……B. Simpson’s newly-formed Christian Alliance and Evangelical Missionary Alliance (combined in 1897 as the Christian and Missionary Alliance). In 1891-92 the Chesbrough student body included William Warwick from England, George… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 24)

Olhar Renovado em Santidade

…em compaixão e abraçamos a causa daqueles a quem Deus ama. Como você pode efetivamente encarnar a santidade no contexto onde você vive atualmente, quer no nível pessoal como também……e cativante. A mensagem de santidade, muitas vezes, é comunicada com os termos e paradigmas que não são compreendidos hoje em dia. Que termos e paradigmas você poderia usar para… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 23)



…word depravity has been effective in communicating a more relational view of sin, but does this even communicate? 3. Is the concept of “equilibrium” effective in describing the telos of…commonalities for all people in all times and all places) is inane. And yet, as I say elsewhere, to abandon all “essentialisms” regarding the human being, leaves us practically speechless… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 23)

History of WHC – Dec 2011

History of WHC – Dec 2011

…Credit Union also committed to creative support of the effort as part of their mission. The most visible commitment from the Credit Union came in the form of Fawn Imboden,……church leaders and scholar/leaders of multiple denominations with a common heritage and commitment to Holiness for the 21st Century; 2. THE HOLINESS MANIFESTO – a two-page document representing the consensus… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 21.38)

Denominations Changing Their Stripes

Denominations Changing Their Stripes

…I don’t buy the conclusion completely. To the extent that denominations are trying to keep the same profile and role they had in the 1960’s – yes, I would concur……matter what the theological framework, the partnerships seem to revolve around common heritage, values, and mission. Relationships – The “Good Ol’ Boy” networks may be dead, but certainly not the… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 20)

Brower Reflections

…to eliminate access for student financial aid at faith-based higher educational institutions. Other times, the encounters assumed there was nothing in common and therefore communication was blocked, resisted, or assumed……have in common to talk about. As a result, the NCAA and Christian higher education have come together for the good of students. Through the Wesleyan Holiness Connection, those initial… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 16)



…mobil izat ion.org PO Box 3556 Fayettevi l le, AR 72702 Join the conversation: facebook.com/missionmobil izat ion twitter.com/CMMobil izat ion Bui lding global momentum to help complete the Great Commission……the Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM) is committed to engaging, equipping, and connecting believers worldwide to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission. The heartbeat of the CMM… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 16)

Fresh Eyes em Santidade

Fresh Eyes em Santidade

…santos vivem e amam como Jesus Cristo. Andando intimamente com ele transborda na compaixão e advocacia para aqueles a quem Deus ama. Como pode você eficazmente incorporar santidade no contexto……e social de continuar com os deserdados e marginalizados? 7. Comunicação Santidade Os cristãos vivem em ambientes de mudança de linguagem. Devem comunicar uma mensagem de santidade de maneiras que… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 16)

Fresh Eyes em Santidade

…proclamação do evangelho de Jesus Cristo aos pobres é essencial, como você encarnar o envolvimento pessoal e social de continuar com os deserdados e marginalizados? 7. Communicating Holiness7. Comunicação Santidade……5.5. Holiness and CommunitySantidade e da Comunidade Individual and corporate holiness require that faith communities pursue organizational structures, processes, and content that promote radical obedience to Jesus Christ.santidade pessoal e… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 16)

Raymond-Panorâmica do Consórcio Santidade Wesleyana

…primeira reunião em Maio de 2004, o ministério prático de contatos com líderes regionais (Superintendentes, Superintendentes Distritais, Comandantes de Divisão, etc) começou uma iniciativa para alcançar-out para os pastores locais……a propagação da “santidade bíblica Across the Land”. Fizeram-1), facilitando o diálogo teológico entre grupos com herança comum e uma mensagem comum, 2) por apoiar eventos que reúnem jovens líderes… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 16)

Outcome or Reflection?

Outcome or Reflection?

…that the only thing that matters is the final outcome.  What it tastes like or how good the result is.  Certainly no one would argue that when it comes to……being to come into conformity with the nature of the One we reflect.  Anything less than that and we miss the whole penetrating, integrating message God is attempting to call… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 15)

Remembering and Forgetting

Remembering and Forgetting

comes to choosing. The desire to act in a way that is purely driven by a Kingdom value often gets sidetracked or warped by the subtle, inconspicuous selfish agenda that……possible. Choices, actions, priorities, conversations, relationships are all affected as we begin to remember God’s vision for us. With the remembering comes the forgetting. As we remember our source in… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 15)

Manifesto de Santidade

Manifesto de Santidade

como um povo fiel da aliança, construindo comunidades responsáveis, crescendo em Jesus Cristo, encarnando o Espírito das leis de Deus em uma vida santa; Exercitar, para o bem comum, um……membresia das igrejas. Não temos sequer atingido o crescimento vegetativo, ao comparar com o crescimento vegetativo da população dos Estados Unidos da América. O zelo e a energia das igrejas… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 15)

Raymond-Panorâmica do Consórcio Santidade Wesleyana

Raymond-Panorâmica do Consórcio Santidade Wesleyana

…essência da santidade, a catolicidade da Santidade, Santidade e Cultura, Santidade e Comunidade, Santidade e preocupação social, eo desafio da comunicação Santidade. (Março de 2007) A publicação, pelo Eerdmans de……Superintendentes Distritais, Comandantes de Divisão, etc) começou uma iniciativa para alcançar-out para os pastores locais para estender a influência e os benefícios da trabalho que está sendo feito pelo Grupo… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 15)

Manifesto de Santidade

…o bem comum, um leque eficaz de ministérios e chamados, de acordo com a diversidade de dons do Espírito Santo; · Exercer ministério de compaixão, solidariedade aos pobres, advogar a……membresia das igrejas. Não temos sequer atingido o crescimento vegetativo, ao comparar com o crescimento vegetativo da população dos Estados Unidos da América. O zelo e a energia das igrejas… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 15)

Manifesto de Santidade

Manifesto de Santidade

como um povo fiel da aliança, construindo comunidades responsáveis, crescendo em Jesus Cristo, encarnando o Espírito das leis de Deus em uma vida santa; Exercitar, para o bem comum, um……membresia das igrejas. Não temos sequer atingido o crescimento vegetativo, ao comparar com o crescimento vegetativo da população dos Estados Unidos da América. O zelo e a energia das igrejas… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 15)



…word depravity has been effective in communicating a more relational view of sin, but does this even communicate? 3. Is the concept of “equilibrium” effective in describing the telos of…commonalities for all people in all times and all places) is inane. And yet, as I say elsewhere, to abandon all “essentialisms” regarding the human being, leaves us practically speechless… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 15)



…word depravity has been effective in communicating a more relational view of sin, but does this even communicate? 3. Is the concept of “equilibrium” effective in describing the telos of…commonalities for all people in all times and all places) is inane. And yet, as I say elsewhere, to abandon all “essentialisms” regarding the human being, leaves us practically speechless… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 15)

Freedom Network: Our Purpose / Who We Are

…and international networks of abolitionists. We are united in a common heritage, founded on Wesleyan principles of holiness. The WHC Freedom Network is compelled to fight modern day slavery not……only because it is a good cause, but because it is an outpouring of who we are. Our identity in Christ compels us to fight slavery, to advocate for the… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 15)

Person or Proposition?

Person or Proposition?

…could be studied, learned, and adopted intellectually.  Of course there was a commensurate effect in the emotions and the heart of a person that caused them to be “saved.”  But……you engage in a mostly relational fashion.  Instead of analyzing that person, you open yourself to them; you long to spend time with them; you commune with them; all to… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 15)