An Ecumenical Document – Don Thorsen

An Ecumenical Document – Don Thorsen

leaders have lost the ability to lead. They cannot lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compel- ling vision of God, no transformational understanding of God’s otherness….…the message of holi- ness. Pastors and church leaders at every level of the church have come to new heights of frus- tration in seeking ways to revitalize their congregations… (Search hits: 10; Search Score: 46.25)



…the Center for Mission Mobilization (CMM) is committed to engaging, equipping, and connecting believers worldwide to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission. The heartbeat of the CMM……mobil izat PO Box 3556 Fayettevi l le, AR 72702 Join the conversation: izat ion izat ion Bui lding global momentum to help complete the Great Commission… (Search hits: 20; Search Score: 45.21)

Let’s All Be Monks!

Let’s All Be Monks!

…Spirit-filled ones who know the peace of Christ within. They are the comforted ones who can and will pass on the comfort and hope to others. Let’s all be monks!…By Barry L. Callen The word “monk” comes from the Greek monachos meaning single or solitary. With this definition in mind, we naturally think of a monk as an isolated… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 44.03)

Denominations Changing Their Stripes

Denominations Changing Their Stripes

And as gate keepers to thousands of pastors and other leaders, they still command an important place in the landscape of the work of God in the world. Certainly they……I don’t buy the conclusion completely. To the extent that denominations are trying to keep the same profile and role they had in the 1960’s – yes, I would concur… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 43.54)

Graceful Engagement Instead of Resistance

Graceful Engagement Instead of Resistance

and the extremes become pretty radical; protests and harsh words create tension. With a bit of reflection and humility, however, we may come to understand how each is passionate about……some dimension of the issue and there really is a common desire for people and human culture. Some people see the issue through the lens of safety in their community,… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 42.19)

Fr. Al Baca Presentation 2007

Fr. Al Baca Presentation 2007

…on the inside. Santa Ana was a change economically and culturally. In the Santa Ana parish we ministered to an Anglo community from the late 1800’s, a sizable Hispanic Community……my second story room, flashing a blinding light through the windows as they searched for someone who had just committed a crime. This became a normal occurrence in a neighborhood… (Search hits: 9; Search Score: 42.12)



…Ana was a change economically and culturally. In the Santa Ana parish we ministered to an Anglo community from the late 1800’s, a sizable Hispanic Community and a Samoan Community….…flashing a blinding light through the windows as they searched for someone who had just committed a crime. This became a normal occurrence in a neighborhood that had been invaded… (Search hits: 9; Search Score: 42.12)

All In!

All In!

Sweating and grimacing we lunge with complete abandon for the goal! How often we find ourselves straining, giving all of our effort, focus, and passion to the compelling vision that……purpose?  As we are the recipients of the complete passionate commitment of God, our lives may best be invested in a disposition of being “all in” for the Kingdom –… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 42.08)

It’s Simple, Really!

It’s Simple, Really!

And part of that imprint was freedom – to choose, to say yes or no, to obey or not. Using our own will freely, we chose to act selfishly; to…and turns, nuances, and deep meaning, but at its root it’s a story of creative love that was broken and is being restored. You see, God’s creative passion overflowed in… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 40.61)

Holiness: Does It Still Matter?

Holiness: Does It Still Matter?

…to social structures and governance? Some people have come to the same conclusion about holiness. They say it was conceived by religious leaders attempting to codify behavior in ways that……sexting, modern warfare? With such dynamic issues tied to a completely different kind of world than the early fathers experienced, are the principles they framed really meaningful as a guide… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 40.49)

A Common Currency

A Common Currency

…have a common currency!?” Interesting question.  In fact for those on the way of holiness, there is a common currency.  Not in the economic terms of the world – possessions,……the cheery people at the customs and immigration checkpoints of this new nation – which is completely foreign to you.  You don’t know the language, the customs, or the monetary… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 40)

A Guide for Public Engagement

A Guide for Public Engagement

…that same diversity and complexity may devolve into tension and competing agendas as the selfish nature of people asserts dominance and control. When confronting issues, whether spiritual, social, or political……a dialogue that is honoring and humanizing. The nature of public engagement, therefore, will involve testimonials and stories that bring to light the complexity and breadth of the issue while… (Search hits: 16; Search Score: 36.9)



…Ana was a change economically and culturally. In the Santa Ana parish we ministered to an Anglo community from the late 1800’s, a sizable Hispanic Community and a Samoan Community….…flashing a blinding light through the windows as they searched for someone who had just committed a crime. This became a normal occurrence in a neighborhood that had been invaded… (Search hits: 10; Search Score: 36.12)

CT Interview-2006

CT Interview-2006

…to contact some of these church leaders, including the board of bishops of the Free Methodist Church, the Nazarene generals, and the Salvation Army national commander. And in every case,……message blur those lines, so that we come together around this thing that is truly from the heart of God. Copyright © 2006 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information.… (Search hits: 15; Search Score: 34.91)

Consorio de santidad 002

Consorio de santidad 002

…requiere un compromiso profundo con la confesión y el perdón, tanto personal como corporal para representar acciones más justas;  Considerando que el comportamiento justo envuelve el cuidado compasivo de……a las naciones. Aunque no eliminaremos el sufrimiento de un todo, como cuerpo de Cristo estamos comprometidos a llevar la santidad de Dios por medio de la sanidad como iniciativa… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 34.1)

July 18, 2010

…assistance of Free Methodist Bishop Jose Ildo, I have completed two extremely successful meetings with many of your leaders in Brasil: a. Rio de Janeiro – we held an event……website for pastors to download for use in church services and leadership meetings. These are 7 minutes films of Holiness in action. See them at 3. Incorporation steps continue… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 33.95)


leaders, Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy is committed to advancing Christ’s Kingdom by engaging, empowering, and equipping women to lead in the Church at every level. The Wesleyan Holiness Consortium Freedom……interest in connecting with the holiness movement. As you explore the website, you’ll find numerous resources available to fuel your curiosity and ignite your passion and influence. Please get involved… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 33.54)

November 2011

November 2011

…that area. Multiple regional leaders will gather representing the Nazarene, Assemblies of God, Salvation Army, Church of God, Free Methodist, and Foursquare Churches. c. Buenos Aires where Commissioner Susan McMillan…Keeping In Touch! November 2011 Our Mission Serve the Church and world as a nurturing catalyst centering on the unifying message of holiness to empower pastors and leaders to… (Search hits: 31; Search Score: 33.25)

Update November 2011

Update November 2011

…that area. Multiple regional leaders will gather representing the Nazarene, Assemblies of God, Salvation Army, Church of God, Free Methodist, and Foursquare Churches. c. Buenos Aires where Commissioner Susan McMillan…Keeping In Touch! November 2011 Our Mission Serve the Church and world as a nurturing catalyst centering on the unifying message of holiness to empower pastors and leaders to… (Search hits: 31; Search Score: 33.25)

Raymond-Panorâmica do Consórcio Santidade Wesleyana

…primeira reunião em Maio de 2004, o ministério prático de contatos com líderes regionais (Superintendentes, Superintendentes Distritais, Comandantes de Divisão, etc) começou uma iniciativa para alcançar-out para os pastores locais……a propagação da “santidade bíblica Across the Land”. Fizeram-1), facilitando o diálogo teológico entre grupos com herança comum e uma mensagem comum, 2) por apoiar eventos que reúnem jovens líderes… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 32.42)

Wesleyan Conversations on AU

Wesleyan Conversations on AU

…ads. Three commercials have been running across certain seasons during the last two years in the Indianapolis market with these themes: Commercial #1: We Don’t Believe…. • That excellence comes……church’s long held perspective on a search for all truth, and is reflected in the traditions of the university. Free and open inquiry has supported a comfort with the scientific… (Search hits: 11; Search Score: 31.19)

WH Influence on Anderson University – James Edwards

WH Influence on Anderson University – James Edwards

…ads. Three commercials have been running across certain seasons during the last two years in the Indianapolis market with these themes: Commercial #1: We Don’t Believe…. • That excellence comes……church’s long held perspective on a search for all truth, and is reflected in the traditions of the university. Free and open inquiry has supported a comfort with the scientific… (Search hits: 11; Search Score: 31.19)

Declaration for Freedom

Declaration for Freedom

Declaration for Freedom Compelled by passion to reflect the holiness of God in relevant and fresh practices, the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium represents churches and leaders with a common heritage that……of the afflicted; Whereas we are committed to our holiness Christian heritage forged in the story of freedom for those who are oppressed; Whereas the church is called to become… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 30.44)

What’s The Affect of the Advent on You?

What’s The Affect of the Advent on You?

During the end of the year we have such a joy of focusing on Advent.  Advent means, “the appearance” or “the coming.”  In more contemporary terms, it just means “showing……up!”  Usually it has to do with a significant moment or experience – and of course the coming of the Son of God to the world was a significant moment…. (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 30)

Feb 06 Release

and commissioned by the top leaders of ten denominations in North America including: Salvation Army Church of the Nazarene Free Methodist Brethren in Christ Foursquare Gospel International Pentecostal Holiness Church……a time in greater need of a compelling articulation of the message of holiness. Pastors and church leaders at every level of the church have come to a dead end… (Search hits: 24; Search Score: 29.07)