Session 1 – The Missional Church Framework

…the ongoing redemptive mission of God in a particular context” – Benjamin T. Conner (professor, Memphis Theological Seminary Center for Youth Ministry Training Key Theological Developments Missio Dei Robust Gospel……Sent People Missional Hermeneutic Polycentric Missional Leadership Key Terms to Understand Attractional – Come and see Incarnatoinal – Go and be with, do with, share with Extractional – So meeting… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8.85)

Comitê Diretivo

Comitê Diretivo

…de Santidade John Huntzinger — Evangelho Quadrangular Donald Dayton — WesleyanaCraig Keen — Nazareno Ildo Mello Bispo da Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil: Twitter: Meu Blogs:…Comitê Diretivo David Bundy—Pentecostal Lisa Dorsey—Escudo da Fé Donald Thorsen—Metodista Livre Bill Kostlevy—Secretary—Metodista Unido Kevin Mannoia—Chair—Metodista Livre Participantes do Projeto Henry Alexander—Escudo da Fé Perry Engle—Irmãos em Cristo Jesse Middendorf… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8.76)

Comitê Diretivo

Comitê Diretivo

…de Santidade John Huntzinger — Evangelho Quadrangular Donald Dayton — WesleyanaCraig Keen — Nazareno Ildo Mello Bispo da Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil: Twitter: Meu Blogs:…Comitê Diretivo David Bundy—Pentecostal Lisa Dorsey—Escudo da Fé Donald Thorsen—Metodista Livre Bill Kostlevy—Secretary—Metodista Unido Kevin Mannoia—Chair—Metodista Livre Participantes do Projeto Henry Alexander—Escudo da Fé Perry Engle—Irmãos em Cristo Jesse Middendorf… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8.76)

Comitê Diretivo

Comitê Diretivo

…de Santidade John Huntzinger — Evangelho Quadrangular Donald Dayton — WesleyanaCraig Keen — Nazareno Ildo Mello Bispo da Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil: Twitter: Meu Blogs:…Comitê Diretivo David Bundy—Pentecostal Lisa Dorsey—Escudo da Fé Donald Thorsen—Metodista Livre Bill Kostlevy—Secretary—Metodista Unido Kevin Mannoia—Chair—Metodista Livre Participantes do Projeto Henry Alexander—Escudo da Fé Perry Engle—Irmãos em Cristo Jesse Middendorf… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8.76)

Sept 15 06 Release

…a coordinated and unified effort among them surrounding their common heritage and commitment to the Holiness message. The outcome of the gathering was the creation of the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium….…in these various denominations as a training tool and convening document to call the pastors to a heightened commitment to the message of Holiness in the 21st Century. The formation… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 8.59)

UPDATE Report 2-1-14

…Sunday” – Following the lead of the Free Methodist Church, the WHC Freedom Network is “soft” launching a Sunday to observe and highlight the plight of those trapped in slavery…and human trafficking. A hearty thanks to the FMC and the Bishops for their generosity in sharing this with us all! Your churches may register at: 1. Seattle Pastors’… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8.38)

LA Mtg Presentation

…Priorities for the coming few years – consensus building How can the WHC best help our denominations and leaders in the future? A Common Declaration to our people: Funding the……Network meeting Washington DC | | FEB ‘12 1st Holiness Pastors’ Day Seattle WA Current Networks and Status of Ministries Expanding Influence Networks Committee Members Denominations General Superintendents, Commissioners, Bishops,… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 8.28)



…church. In the process, many of our leaders have lost the ability to lead. They can- not lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compelling vision of……a faithful covenant people, building accountable community, growing up into Jesus Christ, embodying the spirit of God’s law in holy love; • exercise for the common good an effective array… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 8.24)

The Holiness Manifesto

…many of our leaders have lost the ability to lead. They cannot lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compelling vision of God, no transformational understanding of…The Holiness Manifesto Wesleyan Holiness Study Project, Azusa, California, February 2006. The Crisis We Face There has never been a time in greater need of a compelling articulation of the… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 8.24)

A Historical Perspective – Jonathan Raymond

A Historical Perspective – Jonathan Raymond

…agreed to continue the spread of “Scriptural Holiness Across the Land”. They did this 1) by facilitating the ongoing theological dialogue among groups with common heritage and a common message;……representatives gathered at APU from each denomination including Nazarene, Free Methodist, Brethren in Christ, Missionary, The Salvation Army, Evangelical Friends and Church of God. The WHSG met four times over… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 8.02)

A Historical Perspective – Jonathan Raymond

A Historical Perspective – Jonathan Raymond

…agreed to continue the spread of “Scriptural Holiness Across the Land”. They did this 1) by facilitating the ongoing theological dialogue among groups with common heritage and a common message;……representatives gathered at APU from each denomination including Nazarene, Free Methodist, Brethren in Christ, Missionary, The Salvation Army, Evangelical Friends and Church of God. The WHSG met four times over… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 8.02)

Women in the WH Tradition

Women in the WH Tradition

…the world, shaped and defined by the person of Christ. Jesus Christ’s Compelling Mission To reclaim Christ’s compelling mission of the kingdom of heaven on earth, where there is no……order;  live lives guided by a vision of the resurrection of the body and life in the world-to-come; and  live this life as if that world-to-come is present,… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 8)

WHC Denom Heads PPT

…April 5, 2018, Salvation Army National Headquarters Remembering our common heritage. Engaging with common mission. Networks… BRAZIL – Sao Paulo – Ildo Mello Rio de Janeiro – Clovis Paradela……River of God – Callen Social Holiness: The Company We Keep – Raymond Deepening our identity and voice… Raising the priority and influence of holiness in the 21st Century.… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 7.76)



…the glory that breaks out in that event. “Trinity” is shown to be the occurrence of liberative freedom, a soteriology of our entry into the coming of God’s holy love….…Thus one finds metaphors of “purity” (in complex ways setting certain things in the world apart from other things—stressing difference) and “justice” (clarifying the manner in which God’s holiness is… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 7.64)



…the glory that breaks out in that event. “Trinity” is shown to be the occurrence of liberative freedom, a soteriology of our entry into the coming of God’s holy love….…Thus one finds metaphors of “purity” (in complex ways setting certain things in the world apart from other things—stressing difference) and “justice” (clarifying the manner in which God’s holiness is… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 7.64)

A Quick Statement of the Definition of Holiness-Keen

A Quick Statement of the Definition of Holiness-Keen

…the glory that breaks out in that event. “Trinity” is shown to be the occurrence of liberative freedom, a soteriology of our entry into the coming of God’s holy love….…Thus one finds metaphors of “purity” (in complex ways setting certain things in the world apart from other things—stressing difference) and “justice” (clarifying the manner in which God’s holiness is… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 7.64)



…the glory that breaks out in that event. “Trinity” is shown to be the occurrence of liberative freedom, a soteriology of our entry into the coming of God’s holy love….…Thus one finds metaphors of “purity” (in complex ways setting certain things in the world apart from other things—stressing difference) and “justice” (clarifying the manner in which God’s holiness is… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 7.64)

UPDATE Report 5-5-15

…broadly through communiques with your people. 3. On April 23 the Oregon Holiness Pastors’ Day at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in Salem was a very positive event as……encouraging, I wish I could sit with you personally and tell you in detail. Short of that: 1. THANK YOU for the contributions that have come in already for 2015…. (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 7.62)

Jan 2020 – finance contribution letter

and the financial contribution for this coming year. The blessing is truly making a difference. Blessings, Kevin Kevin W. Mannoia Founder & Executive Director [image: ] WESLEYAN HOLINESS CONNECTION……focusing our message of holiness and weaving groups together in unity. The Board, Steering Committee and leaders deeply appreciate your ongoing support and involvement. I hope you will continue that… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 7.59)



…efforts to grow the church. In the process, our leaders have lost the abil- ity to lead. They cannot lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compelling……love; • exercise for the common good an effective array of ministries and callings, according to the di- versity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; • practice compassionate ministries,… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 7.24)



…efforts to grow the church. In the process, our leaders have lost the abil- ity to lead. They cannot lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compelling……love; • exercise for the common good an effective array of ministries and callings, according to the di- versity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; • practice compassionate ministries,… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 7.24)

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

…pastor inOhio,Florida,Tennessee, andOklahoma. Stan Toler has written over 80 books, including manybest-sellers. Toler formanyyears servedasVice-President and taught seminars for John C. Maxwell’s INJOY Leadership Institute training church and corporate leaders…andDavis. Bryan W. Langdoc is an ordained elder in theWabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church of North America. Bryan has been leading worship in a number of contexts for (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 7.21)

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

…pastor inOhio,Florida,Tennessee, andOklahoma. Stan Toler has written over 80 books, including manybest-sellers. Toler formanyyears servedasVice-President and taught seminars for John C. Maxwell’s INJOY Leadership Institute training church and corporate leaders…andDavis. Bryan W. Langdoc is an ordained elder in theWabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church of North America. Bryan has been leading worship in a number of contexts for (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 7.21)

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

…pastor inOhio,Florida,Tennessee, andOklahoma. Stan Toler has written over 80 books, including manybest-sellers. Toler formanyyears servedasVice-President and taught seminars for John C. Maxwell’s INJOY Leadership Institute training church and corporate leaders…andDavis. Bryan W. Langdoc is an ordained elder in theWabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church of North America. Bryan has been leading worship in a number of contexts for (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 7.21)

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

Indiana Pastors Day 2011

…pastor inOhio,Florida,Tennessee, andOklahoma. Stan Toler has written over 80 books, including manybest-sellers. Toler formanyyears servedasVice-President and taught seminars for John C. Maxwell’s INJOY Leadership Institute training church and corporate leaders…andDavis. Bryan W. Langdoc is an ordained elder in theWabash Conference of the Free Methodist Church of North America. Bryan has been leading worship in a number of contexts for (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 7.21)