A Future Hope or a Present Hope?

A Future Hope or a Present Hope?

…future. But as I consider the impact of Holiness on the world historically and for the coming century, I begin to think otherwise. Glory is not some future condition we……sign the papers. The hope of owning your home begins to be realized the moment you sign. It is not reserved for a future time when all is complete. Holiness… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 10)

A New Tilt

A New Tilt

…upstart churches for whom doctrinal purity is second to the relational nature of faith in Christian community.  Does this mean there is equivocation at the point of the Christocentrism of……for the convertive piety described by Don Dayton is coming from unexpected pulpits.  In truth, the Church is agreeing that “we believe in right practice along with right belief.” in… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 10)

Dynamic & Permeable

Dynamic & Permeable

…God to pour in holiness. Am I spiritual enough? Can I hold it all? How can I expand my life to contain it all? Do you notice a common theme…I?……economic system. There’s a commodity that I need – holiness, and my container – life, needs to be expanded, shaped, and prepared to receive it to the measure of my… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 10)

God’s Holiness Rubbing Off On You

God’s Holiness Rubbing Off On You

…an effort to comply. In reality being holy is not about how well you can do holy things, but it’s about how much of God rubs off on you.  When……your hands, on your behaviors, and in your very nature.  Pretty soon you start to see traces of God’s holiness coming through in your life – and so do others!… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 10)

Ten Years – The Holy Spirit At Work!

Ten Years – The Holy Spirit At Work!

…the WHC has made every effort only to respond to the nudge of the Holy Spirit without being driven by an organizational plan.  The Steering Committee, Board, and leadership team……nations are influenced when God’s people work in harmony with a common message. The publications arm, Aldersgate Press, is pumping new ideas and fresh authors into the life-stream of the… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 10)

Oct 30 Update

[image: C:UsersKMannoiaAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.OutlookU99C1P3LWHC Logo-hi res (002).jpg] October 28, 2019 I am excited to report to you in the wake of a most fulfilling and productive Steering Committee meeting in……Heaven.” Attached is an outline by that title that I shared with the Steering Committee to set our tone. I thought you’d like to know some significant decisions made by… (Search hits: 9; Search Score: 9.38)

Missions Assessment Profile 7-18-12

Missions Assessment Profile 7-18-12

…outreach beyond our local church ministries.  Our church has done local evangelism and/or compassion projects in our community.  Members of our church regularly serve in a variety of……of your people and resources into the world) and the internal ones (the development of those people and resources). It’s not exhaustive but describes 12 common areas in a church’s… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 9)

Comitê Diretivo

Comitê Diretivo

…de Santidade John Huntzinger — Evangelho Quadrangular Donald Dayton — WesleyanaCraig Keen — Nazareno Ildo Mello Bispo da Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil: www.metodistalivre.org.br Twitter: http://twitter.com/ildomello Meu Blogs: http://escatologiacrista.blogspot.com/ http://imeldemirandopolis.blogspot.com/…Comitê Diretivo David Bundy—Pentecostal Lisa Dorsey—Escudo da Fé Donald Thorsen—Metodista Livre Bill Kostlevy—Secretary—Metodista Unido Kevin Mannoia—Chair—Metodista Livre Participantes do Projeto Henry Alexander—Escudo da Fé Perry Engle—Irmãos em Cristo Jesse Middendorf… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8.76)

Comitê Diretivo

Comitê Diretivo

…de Santidade John Huntzinger — Evangelho Quadrangular Donald Dayton — WesleyanaCraig Keen — Nazareno Ildo Mello Bispo da Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil: www.metodistalivre.org.br Twitter: http://twitter.com/ildomello Meu Blogs: http://escatologiacrista.blogspot.com/ http://imeldemirandopolis.blogspot.com/…Comitê Diretivo David Bundy—Pentecostal Lisa Dorsey—Escudo da Fé Donald Thorsen—Metodista Livre Bill Kostlevy—Secretary—Metodista Unido Kevin Mannoia—Chair—Metodista Livre Participantes do Projeto Henry Alexander—Escudo da Fé Perry Engle—Irmãos em Cristo Jesse Middendorf… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8.76)

Comitê Diretivo

Comitê Diretivo

…de Santidade John Huntzinger — Evangelho Quadrangular Donald Dayton — WesleyanaCraig Keen — Nazareno Ildo Mello Bispo da Igreja Metodista Livre do Brasil: www.metodistalivre.org.br Twitter: http://twitter.com/ildomello Meu Blogs: http://escatologiacrista.blogspot.com/ http://imeldemirandopolis.blogspot.com/…Comitê Diretivo David Bundy—Pentecostal Lisa Dorsey—Escudo da Fé Donald Thorsen—Metodista Livre Bill Kostlevy—Secretary—Metodista Unido Kevin Mannoia—Chair—Metodista Livre Participantes do Projeto Henry Alexander—Escudo da Fé Perry Engle—Irmãos em Cristo Jesse Middendorf… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8.76)

November 2011

November 2011

Committee meeting held Friday, November 4. We met at the Central Territorial Headquarters of the Salvation Army. Commissioners Paul and Carol Seilor were wonderful hosts. It is amazing to watch……together in fresh and historic ways for unity and power in proclaiming the holistic and transformational message of holiness in the 21 st Century! Blessings on you, Kevin www.HolinessAndUnity.org http://www.holinessandunity.org/… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 8.53)

Update November 2011

Update November 2011

Committee meeting held Friday, November 4. We met at the Central Territorial Headquarters of the Salvation Army. Commissioners Paul and Carol Seilor were wonderful hosts. It is amazing to watch……together in fresh and historic ways for unity and power in proclaiming the holistic and transformational message of holiness in the 21 st Century! Blessings on you, Kevin www.HolinessAndUnity.org http://www.holinessandunity.org/… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 8.53)

A Guide for Public Engagement

A Guide for Public Engagement

…that same diversity and complexity may devolve into tension and competing agendas as the selfish nature of people asserts dominance and control. When confronting issues, whether spiritual, social, or political……These stories should be chosen for their ability to depict the breadth and complexity of the issues. They should be more common than unique, and more challenging than simple. The… (Search hits: 8; Search Score: 8)



community, reflecting His holiness. He therefore spelled out for them in Torah the obligations of His covenant, instructing them how they must live, and appointed priests to offer sacrifices of……humanity, resplendent and glorious in holiness. Having ascended, He poured out at Pentecost upon the community of His followers that same Spirit by whose power He Himself had first walked… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8)



community, reflecting His holiness. He therefore spelled out for them in Torah the obligations of His covenant, instructing them how they must live, and appointed priests to offer sacrifices of……humanity, resplendent and glorious in holiness. Having ascended, He poured out at Pentecost upon the community of His followers that same Spirit by whose power He Himself had first walked… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8)



community, reflecting His holiness. He therefore spelled out for them in Torah the obligations of His covenant, instructing them how they must live, and appointed priests to offer sacrifices of……humanity, resplendent and glorious in holiness. Having ascended, He poured out at Pentecost upon the community of His followers that same Spirit by whose power He Himself had first walked… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8)



…Ana was a change economically and culturally. In the Santa Ana parish we ministered to an Anglo community from the late 1800’s, a sizable Hispanic Community and a Samoan Community….…today will resonate with you also. In all our traditions there are great souls who have come so close to the Lord that they amaze us, attract us and engage… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 8)

A Kairos Moment and Collaborative Partnerships-Kendall 2-10

A Kairos Moment and Collaborative Partnerships-Kendall 2-10

…bless you and the blessing will look like this dream-come-true. When the culture stalls and the dream shatters, however (when a great recession comes, when terrorism that used to be……ongoing mission to reclaim and renew the whole of creation. We’re way beyond church survival and even beyond church growth—we’re after the most comprehensive renovation of the whole of reality…. (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8)

A Kairos Moment for Church and Academy-Kendall 2-10

…you and the blessing will look like this dream-come-true. When the culture stalls and the dream shatters, however (when a great recession comes, when terrorism that used to be over……mission to reclaim and renew the whole of creation. We’re way beyond church survival and even beyond church growth—we’re after the most comprehensive renovation of the whole of reality. Nothing… (Search hits: 2; Search Score: 8)

WH Influence on Anderson University – James Edwards

WH Influence on Anderson University – James Edwards

…ads. Three commercials have been running across certain seasons during the last two years in the Indianapolis market with these themes: Commercial #1: We Don’t Believe…. • That excellence comes……do we come out in our story? What ideas shape our life and experience—our campus culture? It begins with a clear and compelling mission: 7 “The mission of Anderson University… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 8)

Wesleyan Conversations on AU

Wesleyan Conversations on AU

…ads. Three commercials have been running across certain seasons during the last two years in the Indianapolis market with these themes: Commercial #1: We Don’t Believe…. • That excellence comes……do we come out in our story? What ideas shape our life and experience—our campus culture? It begins with a clear and compelling mission: 7 “The mission of Anderson University… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 8)



…resources and tools.  Great Commission Status: See the Great Commission from 17 different perspectives.  Progress Scale: See the most spiritually needy people groups using the six level progress……of completing the Great Commission. This is done by identifying and highlighting the people groups of the world that have the least exposure to the Gospel and the least Christian… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 7.76)

Organizing Framework Proposal 09

…you for your input and support. Although the Steering Committee members are your designees, we seek to be completely open and submitted to the will of our leaders. To that……Much activity has brought us to the point where the Steering Committee believes some form of structure should be instituted in order to preserve and channel the expansion of energy… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 7.38)



Manifiesto de Santidad Wesleyan Holiness Study Project, Azusa, California, February 2006. La Crisis que Enfrentamos Nunca habiamos experimentado tiempos con gran necesidad de una articulación compasiva como el mensaje de……No pueden liderar porque no tiene un mensaje compasivo para dar, o una visión compasiva de Dios, no tienen un entendimiento transformativo de Dios. Lo conocen y anhelan encontrar el… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 7)



Manifiesto de Santidad Wesleyan Holiness Study Project, Azusa, California, February 2006. La Crisis que Enfrentamos Nunca habiamos experimentado tiempos con gran necesidad de una articulación compasiva como el mensaje de……No pueden liderar porque no tiene un mensaje compasivo para dar, o una visión compasiva de Dios, no tienen un entendimiento transformativo de Dios. Lo conocen y anhelan encontrar el… (Search hits: 7; Search Score: 7)