

…have lost the ability to lead. They cannot lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compelling vision of God, no transformational understanding of God’s otherness. They know……He claimed that people’s ideas come from sensation (experience) and reflection (reason).2 The mind at birth is a tabla rasa, a ‘blank tablet’, on which are impressed experiences (or impressions),… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 7)



…have lost the ability to lead. They cannot lead because they have no compelling message to give, no compelling vision of God, no transformational understanding of God’s otherness. They know……He claimed that people’s ideas come from sensation (experience) and reflection (reason).2 The mind at birth is a tabla rasa, a ‘blank tablet’, on which are impressed experiences (or impressions),… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 7)

WHC Press Release_Jan 13

WHC Press Release_Jan 13

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Fawn Imboden Wesleyan Holiness Consortium (626) 208-5478 www.HolinessAndUnity.org fimboden@americasccu.com HISTORIC GATHERING OF DENOMINATIONAL LEADERS LOS ANGELES, CA— On January 13, 2012, an historic meeting……of leaders took place at the Central Offices of the Foursquare Church. Welcomed by president Glenn Burris, 18 top leaders of denominations committed to a common emphasis on holiness in… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6.76)

Jan 17 2012 Release

[image: image1.jpg]HOLINESS (HOLINESS ZCONSORTIUM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Fawn Imboden Wesleyan Holiness Consortium (626) 208-5478 www.HolinessAndUnity.org fimboden@americasccu.com HISTORIC GATHERING OF DENOMINATIONAL LEADERS LOS ANGELES, CA— On January 13, 2012, an……historic meeting of leaders took place at the Central Offices of the Foursquare Church. Welcomed by president Glenn Burris, 18 top leaders of denominations committed to a common emphasis on… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6.76)

WHC Press Release_Jan 13

WHC Press Release_Jan 13

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Fawn Imboden Wesleyan Holiness Consortium (626) 208-5478 www.HolinessAndUnity.org fimboden@americasccu.com HISTORIC GATHERING OF DENOMINATIONAL LEADERS LOS ANGELES, CA— On January 13, 2012, an historic meeting……of leaders took place at the Central Offices of the Foursquare Church. Welcomed by president Glenn Burris, 18 top leaders of denominations committed to a common emphasis on holiness in… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6.76)

WHC Denom Heads PPT

…April 5, 2018, Salvation Army National Headquarters Remembering our common heritage. Engaging with common mission. www.HolinesAndUnity.org Networks… BRAZIL – Sao Paulo – Ildo Mello Rio de Janeiro – Clovis Paradela……River of God – Callen Social Holiness: The Company We Keep – Raymond Deepening our identity and voice… Raising the priority and influence of holiness in the 21st Century. WWW.HolinessAndUnity.org… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6.76)



…your colleagues will join us! Kevin W. Mannoia Jack Hayford Please RSVP to Fawn Imboden Email: fimboden@americasccu.com Phone: 626.208.5478 www.HolinessandUnity.org Friday, January 13, 2012 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM International……like to unite our hearts afresh around our common heritage and mission. Thanks to Glenn Burris we will meet at the Offices of the Foursquare Church. We hope you and… (Search hits: 4; Search Score: 6.76)



…a comprehensive biblical theology of the kingdom of God. Comprehensive approaches to mission often falter both for lack of adequate language and because of theological blind spots. Evangelicals famously have……of insight and authority runs through all his thought. A particularly pointed statement comes early in his Compendium of Natural Philosophy, Being a Survey of the Wisdom of God in… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6)



…a comprehensive biblical theology of the kingdom of God. Comprehensive approaches to mission often falter both for lack of adequate language and because of theological blind spots. Evangelicals famously have……of insight and authority runs through all his thought. A particularly pointed statement comes early in his Compendium of Natural Philosophy, Being a Survey of the Wisdom of God in… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6)



community, reflecting His holiness. He therefore spelled out for them in Torah the obligations of His covenant, instructing them how they must live, and appointed priests to offer sacrifices of……humanity, resplendent and glorious in holiness. Having ascended, He poured out at Pentecost upon the community of His followers that same Spirit by whose power He Himself had first walked… (Search hits: 6; Search Score: 6)

Women in the WH Tradition

Women in the WH Tradition

…the world, shaped and defined by the person of Christ. Jesus Christ’s Compelling Mission To reclaim Christ’s compelling mission of the kingdom of heaven on earth, where there is no……order;  live lives guided by a vision of the resurrection of the body and life in the world-to-come; and  live this life as if that world-to-come is present,… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 6)

5-19 A Case for Engagement

5-19 A Case for Engagement

…shores. In its place, relevance in reflecting cultural patterns are driven by desires for evangelism and community influence. As the culture around us is changing and pluralism is the new……condition of our existence, we are forced to consider the same missiological questions that drive “over there” ministries across the world. With that uncomfortable reality comes the concomitant need to… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 6)

5-19 A Case for Engagement – Global

5-19 A Case for Engagement – Global

…missiological principles diminished the closer to our own culture we operated. In its place, relevance in reflecting cultural patterns are driven by desires for evangelism and community recognition. As the……“over there” ministries across the world. With that uncomfortable reality comes the concomitant need to distinguish clearly the foundations, essence, or heart of the Gospel to which we give ourselves…. (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 6)

Propempo Info sheet Oct 2012

Propempo Info sheet Oct 2012

Your resource for biblical and strategic missions development www.Propempo.com 90-F Glenda Trace #405 Newnan, GA 30265 770.502.8900 ministry@Propempo.com Purpose: “Propempo” means “to send forward fully equipped”. Propempo International helps you……diagnostic, training, and teaching resources • Promote and market the above See: http://www.Propempo.com Potential areas of collaboration: • Affiliate contributors for Propempo forum and community sections • Personnel references and… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5.76)

Propempo Info sheet Oct 2012

Propempo Info sheet Oct 2012

Your resource for biblical and strategic missions development www.Propempo.com 90-F Glenda Trace #405 Newnan, GA 30265 770.502.8900 ministry@Propempo.com Purpose: “Propempo” means “to send forward fully equipped”. Propempo International helps you……diagnostic, training, and teaching resources • Promote and market the above See: http://www.Propempo.com Potential areas of collaboration: • Affiliate contributors for Propempo forum and community sections • Personnel references and… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5.76)

CT Interview-2006

CT Interview-2006

…message blur those lines, so that we come together around this thing that is truly from the heart of God. Copyright © 2006 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/help/permissions-and-privacy/permissions.html……http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/keyword/redirect.html?keyword=Interview&group=ctsection http://holinessandunity.org/ http://holinessandunity.org/fs/index.php?id=796 We’re trying to say that we have also fallen prey to the idea of a privatized faith, that you are holy internally and that it has no… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5.76)

WHC Report – Nov 2008

…the wake of our second Steering Committee meeting of the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium held on November 14, 2008 with 14 persons present. We thank Commissioner Israel Gaither, National Commander of……the Salvation Army, for hosting the Steering Committee at the National Headquarters in Alexandria, VA. His staff was a blessing to us and his presence an encouragement. Below is a… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5.76)

Mission Vision Goals

[image: image1.jpg]HOLINESS (HOLINESS ZCONSORTIUM WHC Publications Arm 1. Name – Aldersgate Press www.AldersgatePress.com /.org 2. Mission Statement – a. To provide a communication channel as an extension of the Wesleyan……publications. The imprint line serves as the communication extension of the WHC. 4. Goals – a. To glorify God in all we do and to always remain sensitive to the… (Search hits: 3; Search Score: 5.38)

A Christian Declaration on Marriage

…It is evident in cities across the nation that where churches join in common commitment to restore a priority on marriages, divorces are reduced and communities are positively influenced. Therefore,…common desire that God’s Kingdom be manifested on earth as it is in heaven, we pledge to deepen our commitment to marriage. With three-quarters of marriages performed by clergy, churches… (Search hits: 5; Search Score: 5.38)

After Minneapolis

After Minneapolis

…privilege. When it is presumed to accrue from the skin color, it anesthetizes people to the apathy and ignorance that will quickly come. God help us. God has lovingly created… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)


…documents and media on this web site, please submit documents in either Word or PDF format, or supply online links for visual media to: info.wesleyanhc@gmail.com Please include only material that… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

Aldersgate Press – About

…Van De Walle, Publisher, and Don Thorsen. (See also: Aldersgate Press Leadership Positions & Persons) What’s Our Mission? The mission of Aldersgate Press is to be a communication channel extending… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)


…Our Communities During the Pandemic” – with Karen Johnson November 17, 2020 – “Denominational Changes During COVID” with Carla Sunberg November 3, 2020 – “Being a College Student During COVID”… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)

Document Library

…here. Find shorter Food for Thought blog posts from the WHC and Dr. Kevin Mannoia here. Use this field to search our COMPLETE website and document library. This is an… (Search hits: 1; Search Score: 5)