Some Things Never Change

Some Things Never Change

You’ve heard the phrase thrown about easily with a certain semi-humorous attitude of resignation in the face of frustrating circumstances.  The car breaks down when you need it most; taxes always go up; human nature always wants to cover mistakes. Some things...
Ten Years – The Holy Spirit At Work!

Ten Years – The Holy Spirit At Work!

It was ten years ago this year that the Lord began to weave together the lives, hearts, thoughts, and energy of a lot of people to create what we now know as the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium.  After a breakfast meeting in Pasadena, California including Dr. David...
You Are Relevant!

You Are Relevant!

Every time you get a new phone, it takes you a while to figure out how it works; a new laptop requires multiple calls to the IT department to help you learn the new system; each professional conference you go to reminds you how much you DON’T know. It’s like there’s a...
Life & Death Choices

Life & Death Choices

Usually you associate life & death choices with the surgeon, the paramedic, the firefighter, the air traffic controller, or the soldier.  One choice means the difference between someone living or dying.  No doubt, those are high pressure, important and sobering...
Living in I AM-ness

Living in I AM-ness

In the milieu of heated debates over the issue of pluralism and universalism, singularity and efficacy of the work of Jesus there is a truth that gets lost in the shadows.  Some say that there may be many ways to get to eternal life with God (pluralism). Some say...