Holiness Connection


We are a network of churches and people seeking fresh influence of God’s holiness in the 21st Century.  Welcome!

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Food for Thought

A Common Currency

A Common Currency

You land in a different country.  It’s early in the morning after a night flight and your energy is low, your mind is foggy and now you have to navigate the cheery people at the customs and immigration checkpoints of this new nation – which is completely foreign to you.  You don’t know the language, the customs, or the monetary currency.  You go to the exchange booth and get some local money and your brain starts computing the rate of exchange.  

As if that’s not enough, pretty soon you are in the shopping area looking at things you’d like to buy and extremely distracted by the valuation process of determining if it’s really worth it.  But in order to decide that, you have to convert the price into terms you understand and quite rapidly you get to a point where you are exasperated and feel overwhelmed. “Why can’t we just have a common currency!?”

Interesting question.  In fact for those on the way of holiness, there is a common currency.  Not in the economic terms of the world – possessions, power, status, influence. Rather, God has provided a common currency for the economy of the Kingdom where the human heart seeks meaning, value, and fulfillment.  That currency is love, and it was manifested visibly in the person of Jesus Christ.  

When you decide to follow Christ and allow Him to increasingly form your life, you are investing more and more in the economy of God’s Kingdom and you begin using His currency – love.  This is not a trite, sentimental disposition but a deep commitment of the will to be altered at a fundamental level in seeing others as God sees them.  

This is the reawakening of the image of God imprinted upon every human.  It is kindled afresh to the life-source in which it was first created. Through layers of insensitivity and selfishness, the currency of love enlivens the nature that has gone cold and dead in the wearying scramble to navigate an economy that is always changing, always elusive; always just beyond the greedy reach of success.

Value in this economy is of a different nature – a lasting, fulfilling, and holistic nature.  And the currency is common.  Love!

Earn a lot, and invest it well,


Remembering and Forgetting

Remembering and Forgetting

The story of salvation is a story of remembering and forgetting. Deep within every one of us is an image that was lovingly placed there by the creative imagination of God. When He conceived of us, He imprinted us with an image that was like Jesus. Over time and...

Wordless Signs

Wordless Signs

As you approach an intersection while driving, you notice a strange thing. The familiar red, hexagonal sign is there.  The funny thing is there are no words on it.  It’s a bit odd, but you know exactly what it is saying: "Stop."  You may not think much...

Missional Living

Missional Living

Not long ago someone said they wanted to meet with me for a “purpose driven cup of coffee.” Who would deny such a request. Although a cup of coffee has its own pleasures and merits, when you add a purpose to it, the idea becomes compelling. Of course I had no idea...

Contact Us

Mailing Address

Wesleyan Holiness Connection (WHC)
c/o America's Christian Credit Union
2100 E Rte 66, Glendora, CA 91740
Attn: Renita Richardson


The Wesleyan Holiness Connection is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and tax-deductible receipts are sent for all gifts.