Holiness Connection
We are a network of churches and people seeking fresh influence of God’s holiness in the 21st Century. Welcome!
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WHC Announces New Executive Director
Bishop John Mark Richardson, Sr.
September 1, 2022
The Wesleyan Holiness Connection (WHC) is pleased to announce the selection of Bishop John Mark Richardson, Sr., as our new Executive Director. The Wesleyan Holiness Connection, founded in 2002 by Dr. Kevin Mannoia, is a global relational network of denominations, colleges, churches, organizations, and leaders committed to bringing God’s holiness into full and transforming engagement with today’s culture. For 20 years, the WHC has been a scholarly and authoritative voice presenting a fresh expression of holiness in the 21st Century. The board unanimously elected Bishop Richardson to begin serving on September 1.
Over the last seven years, Bishop Richardson’s leadership has helped WHC to become the premier relational holiness network with a global imprint. He has served on the board of directors and represented WHC by speaking at countless events in the United States and abroad. He has also trained and assisted in developing leaders for WHC’s Regional Networks. …Read More
Featured Podcast
Anchored and Reaching with Kevin Mannoia.
Food for Thought

Diamond In The Rough
Have you ever seen a diamond before it’s polished? Actually, you may have seen one but didn’t even know it was a diamond. It’s not pretty. It isn’t polished, and it certainly doesn’t have the fire we look for in good quality diamonds. Most people might even sift through stones and toss out a good sized diamond in the rough because there is nothing particularly notable about it – except that it contains the quality, value, and potential that people seek, display, and long for. The value is there. It’s just not obvious yet because the polishers have not had a chance to form it, grind it, shape it according to the pattern that will give it the highest acclaim.
Now think about the people you have run across today. Some may have been very refined, educated, deeply spiritual, thoughtful, full of the fire of God, reflecting the brilliance of Christian faith. But others may have been pretty ordinary; pretty non-exceptional. And some may have even been pretty rough, even ugly – both in appearance and disposition. Yet like the diamond, within them is the value that came from the image of God when He first imagined them in His boundless love. Perhaps not all polished and brilliant, but valuable still. Not because of the fire they exude or the brilliance they reflect, but because of the innate value that comes with being a child of God imprinted with His image.
The journey of salvation is the journey by which that rough, unremarkable stone is turned into a brilliant jewel that flashes with the fire of God in drawing others to Him. It is the image in us that can be restored to the beauty of God’s holy nature and becomes magnetic to others. Of course it begins with the willing submission of the heart of stone to the hand of the Master who forms it, molds it, and remakes it into a heart that reflects His own holy nature. Thanks be to God for the joy of salvation on the path of reflecting Christ in all His holiness.

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Wesleyan Holiness Connection (WHC)
c/o America's Christian Credit Union
2100 E Rte 66, Glendora, CA 91740
Attn: Renita Richardson