Holiness Connection
We are a network of churches and people seeking fresh influence of God’s holiness in the 21st Century. Welcome!
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WHC Announces New Executive Director
Bishop John Mark Richardson, Sr.
September 1, 2022
The Wesleyan Holiness Connection (WHC) is pleased to announce the selection of Bishop John Mark Richardson, Sr., as our new Executive Director. The Wesleyan Holiness Connection, founded in 2002 by Dr. Kevin Mannoia, is a global relational network of denominations, colleges, churches, organizations, and leaders committed to bringing God’s holiness into full and transforming engagement with today’s culture. For 20 years, the WHC has been a scholarly and authoritative voice presenting a fresh expression of holiness in the 21st Century. The board unanimously elected Bishop Richardson to begin serving on September 1.
Over the last seven years, Bishop Richardson’s leadership has helped WHC to become the premier relational holiness network with a global imprint. He has served on the board of directors and represented WHC by speaking at countless events in the United States and abroad. He has also trained and assisted in developing leaders for WHC’s Regional Networks. …Read More
Featured Podcast
Anchored and Reaching with Kevin Mannoia.
Food for Thought

The Planks of Our Mission
Political parties often refer to their platform as the foundation on which their messages are built. A platform is made up of various planks – the key pieces of structure that undergird the position and message. Well, similarly in distilling the message of holiness there are a few planks in the platform that are really critical.
Holiness is the nature of God reflected in and through your life. Not activity that we strive to perform. Not a list of things to do. It’s a reflection of God, who is pure holiness. It begins with God. Any attempt to make holiness something we work for places the initiative upon us and we are then tempted to take the credit making God ancillary. Holiness is endemic to God’s nature. To the extent we are in close proximity to God and open to the influence of His nature, we are holy as He is holy. A reflection of His image – as we were created!
Salvation is the restoration of the image of God in us. We don’t begin with Genesis 3 – the fall. We begin where God began, in Genesis 1 – being created in God’s image. The second Adam, Christ, provides the means to restore the damage of the first Adam. With that as our starting point, admitting the effects of sin have caused a breach in relationship, salvation is not a means to manage sin but the Way to restoration. It is hopeful, optimistic and generous in encouraging people back home to the condition in which they were envisioned by God. In that restoration, the brokenness of our fallen lives is made whole again – as we were created!
The singular act of the will is to surrender. Accepting that we are broken, fallen, and sinful, but recognizing the possibility to be made whole again the human will plays a key role. Though we may sin God’s holiness and His call for us to reflect that holiness provides us with the possibility to NOT sin. This is not enacted by achievement or disciplined behavior – especially legalistic behavior. Rather, it is appropriated by God in us when we surrender to the Holy Spirit’s complete influence. Because this holiness is really God’s nature and unachievable by us, our singular recourse is surrender to the sanctifying effect of the Holy God making us holy once again – as we were created!
Such a vision of being fully human! Holy as we were created. Not a pipe dream, but a reality now.
In the joy of holiness,

It’s Simple, Really!
The Story of God in relation to creation is basically a really simple story of a great relationship gone bad, and the way back. Clearly there are lots of twists and turns, nuances, and deep meaning, but at its root it’s a story of creative love that was broken and is...

Diamond In The Rough
Have you ever seen a diamond before it’s polished? Actually, you may have seen one but didn’t even know it was a diamond. It’s not pretty. It isn’t polished, and it certainly doesn’t have the fire we look for in good quality diamonds. Most people might even sift...

God’s Holiness Rubbing Off On You
Have you ever read the newspaper and then noticed the dark ink on your fingers? It rubs off on your hands. Or what about leaning against a white-washed wall – then you notice the white dust on your clothes. Things are always rubbing off on you. ...
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Wesleyan Holiness Connection (WHC)
c/o America's Christian Credit Union
2100 E Rte 66, Glendora, CA 91740
Attn: Renita Richardson